Tuesday, November 27, 2007


We have an officient! Yay! At least we can no actually get married on October 4th. It's something. Even if it were just me and my man with a few guests, it could now actually happen.

It wasn't my first choice (my sis's officient), but it is one that she recommended. One of her friends had this person and he came highly recommmended. Apparently he'll taylor the ceremony exactly how you want it and he will probably meet with us a few times before the wedding to discuss the ceremony and what not. I'm pretty relieved to have this one crossed off. I'm still waiting to hear back from the photographer and the tent rental place though. I've contacted both twice now and haven't had any response. Might be time to look else where for the photographer as that is something that gets booked quickly. I hope not though, because I like this girls style! (her website is www.shutterframe.ca).

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The worst bride ever.

So little time also = little time spent doing wedding things. The only thing that has progressed since my last post is that I think I’m going to get the London dress. I am pretty confused about it though. It’s hard because I’m the only one that has seen both dresses. I guess I’m going to have to trust my own judgement.

So yes, little has progressed since my last post almost two weeks ago. I still have nothing booked, and when people ask me how the wedding planning is going it stresses me out.

I have my sisters wedding book here with me at work now so that I can look at stuff over lunch and hopefully start getting some stuff done. On tap today: Phoning the Tent rental place and getting that stuff taken care of. Perhaps, if I have time, I will also call the photographer and or the officiant. We know which photographer we want, we just haven’t talked to her yet.

I had another wedding nightmare last night. This time, it was the day of our wedding and we hadn’t confirmed with the caterer the number of guests we were going to have. I was freaking out because I thought it meant that the caterer wasn’t coming. In real life we don’t even HAVE a caterer arranged yet. I think I will be a bit better when we finally start getting some of this groundwork stuff taken care of.

Does anyone have time to/ want to – plan a wedding for me?

Friday, November 9, 2007

A nice surprise

So another week has gone by and no more wedding planning has been done. Hopefully I can get some stuff done this weekend.

Last weekend was the engagement party my dad through for us. Sarah, Danielle and I planned to go dress shopping in Belleville during the day. Well. My whole family hoodwinked the two of us. Sarah was supposed to meet Danielle and I at the first place, and when she shows up, lo and behold she wasn’t on her own. Kate had flown down from Thunder Bay for the weekend too!

I tried on a bunch of dresses and my favourite of the day was still the one that I posted the picture of below. Hard thing though is that I don’t know how to pick between the two dresses which are separated by 400 km and no one other than myself has seen both dresses. I think I will go and try on the other dress again tonight.

The party itself was great. I got to see a lot of people that I don’t get to see all that often (family friends and what not). Azar and Azin (Arash’s Mum and sister) also got to meet a bunch of family members and friends as well. Apparently they both had a good time, but I didn’t get a chance to talk to them much (Arash and I drove down separately).

Hopefully this weekend I can get the photographer booked and the tents organized.