Thursday, October 4, 2007

T - 1 year...

So this is it. 1 year from today is my wedding day. Well, hopefully since we have done nothing to organize it yet ;) Mind you, with one year to go I would be VERY surprised if we have trouble booking anything.

As I said on my other blog, this weekend is the start of wedding dress shopping. Fun stuff. So far, I have seen a few dresses I like in the bridal magazines, but honestly, most of the stuff is just not my style. I don't want to wear a big princess dress with a poufy skirt, I think I am more of the simple elegent dress kind of girl.

My biggest dilema these days is who I am going to ask to be my maid of honour. I have no clue. I have three bridesmaids. My two sisters (S and K) and my best friend since Grade 9 (D). I was already Maid of Honour in S and D's weddings. I am probably closer to S than K, but it would be nice for K to get a chance to be a maid of honour, but then again, she lives far away. Like a 2 hour plane ride far. S is a teacher so she won't be able to take any time off before the wedding which rules out a lot of the stuff the maid of honour does in the days leading up to the wedding. (She would be able to make it in the evening though since her school is pretty close to Dad's). And then ther is D, she's like a sister to me, heck, when she got married in 05 MY dad gave her away.

A slightly easier decision was ring bearers and flower girls. Eddie will obviously be the ring bearer and Madison and Kailey with be the flower girls. Maddy will be 5 (holy crap) by then so hopefully she will be able to sheppherd the other two to the front (Kailey will be 2.5 and Eddie will be just shy of his second B-day).

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